Nematology - Agrolab Service

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  • Search for phytoparasites and not nematodes with the related estimate of the nematic presence on agricultural and forest lands, plant tissues, growing media and any nursery and propagating material, irrigation waters, insect vectors of quarantine nematodes

  • Morphological identification of genus and species

  • Identification of possible quarantine nematodes with the related advice on good agricultural practice

  • Nematological diagnosis on nursery material

  • Nematological diagnosis to remplant vineyards and/or orchards

  • Diagnosis on wood samples and its derivatives to search B. xylophilus (Pine wilt nematode)

  • Nematological diagnosis directily on Monochamus galloprovincialis (cerambycidae coleoptera vector of B. xylophilus)

  • Perineal patterns and vulvar cones of root-knot and cyst nematodes (Meloidogyne spp, Heterodera spp, Globodera spp)

  • Observation of nematode inside roots by stained root method

  • Phytoiatric plan to reduce the nematode infection

  • Technical assistance according to good agriculture pratics


From prophylaxis for small  farms to research for agrochemicals companies and for universities in  order to improve control strategies for the protection of crops  consistent with a sustainable future.

When passion supports agriculture

Agrolab Service - via Vittorio Veneto, 9 - 97011 Acate (RG)
Agrochemical analysis:
Nematological analysis:
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